change makes life interesting

Monday, April 28, 2008

Design for the Other 90 Percent

We often think of design that makes mundane things luxurious and the plush extravagances expensive. But what about design for the other 90%? Recently, I attended a lecture at the University of Minnesota by the African Wildlife Foundation about the shocking fact that the worlds population of lions in Africa has radically dropped to anywhere between one quarter and one eight its population of 20 years ago. And while lions are not yet extinct they are well on their way to becoming endangered.

What I found surprising is that part of the problem can be solved with a technology fix. Lions are often killed in conflict with people because herders in East Africa do not have to proper technology to construct bomas that protect their cattle, that can be manufactured inexpensively, as well as remain mobile to support their nomadic life. This is a problem screaming for a design fix.

The Walker Art Center will be hosting an exhibition beginning May 24th called Design for the Other 90% showing design concepts and objects such as this personal water purification straw that uses human energy to extract clean water from open rivers and streams. Diarrhoea and other waterborne disease is a major killer of children around the world. LifeStraw, as it is known, was designed by Vestergaard Fransen a Danish company dedicated to design that will change the world.

LifeStraw photo courtsey of Vestergaard Frandsen

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